// WHAT: print set of set in C++ STL with generate_allsubets example.
// file setofsets.cpp
// Testing VC6.
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#pragma warning(disable:4786) // warning: debug identifier trunc to 255.
typedef set< set<int> > tsos;
typedef set<int> ts;
void generate_allsubets( tsos& sos, ts& choices ){
if( choices.size() < 1 ) return; // end of recursion.
if( sos.size() < 1 )
sos.insert(*new set<int>); // insert emptyset first time.
int c1 = *(choices.begin());
// make a copy of sos, in each subset insert c1.
tsos sos_c1;
for( tsos::iterator p = sos.begin(); p != sos.end(); ++p ){
ts s_c1 = *p; // make a copy of the subset, then insert c1.
// we have two sets of subset now: sos_c1 with c1, original sos without c1.
// merge sos_c1 into sos to double the size of sos.
#if 0 // USE set_union
tsos both;
set_union( sos.begin(), sos.end(), sos_c1.begin(), sos_c1.end(),
insert_iterator<tsos>(both,both.begin()) );
sos = both;
for( tsos::iterator pc1 = sos_c1.begin(); pc1 != sos_c1.end(); ++pc1 )
sos.insert( *pc1 );
// Recursively insert remaining choices.
if( choices.erase(c1) > 0 ) // should always be able to erase c1.
generate_allsubets( sos, choices );
void print_allsubsets( tsos& sos ){
int i=0;
for( tsos::iterator p = sos.begin(); p != sos.end(); ++p ){
cout << "subset " << ++i << " = { ";
for( ts::iterator q = p->begin(); q != p->end(); ++q )
cout << *q << ", ";
cout << "}\n";
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){
set< set<int> > sos;
set< int > choices;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
generate_allsubets( sos, choices );
cout << "The "<< sos.size() << " subsets of {0.."<<i-1<<"} are\n";
print_allsubsets( sos );
return 0;
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