Output of ana.py is a list of anagrams
Only anagrams of words longer than 17 characters are shown
to avoid blogbloat.
basiparachromatin | marsipobranchiata |
anatomicopathological | pathologicoanatomical |
glossolabiopharyngeal | labioglossopharyngeal |
glossolabiolaryngeal | labioglossolaryngeal |
anatomicopathologic | pathologicoanatomic |
laryngopharyngeal | pharyngolaryngeal |
mechanicochemical | chemicomechanical |
phrenicopericardiac | pericardiacophrenic |
siliceocalcareous | calcareosiliceous |
clinicopathological | pathologicoclinical |
duodenopancreatectomy | pancreatoduodenectomy |
myxochondrosarcoma | chondromyxosarcoma |
magnetoelectrical | electromagnetical |
anatomicophysiologic | physiologicoanatomic |
acetmethylanilide | methylacetanilide |
octakishexahedron | hexakisoctahedron |
pericardiopleural | pleuropericardial |
tracheolaryngotomy | laryngotracheotomy |
tetrakishexahedron | hexakistetrahedron |
galvanothermometer | thermogalvanometer |
esophagogastrostomy | gastroesophagostomy |
hysterolaparotomy | laparohysterotomy |
laryngopharyngitis | pharyngolaryngitis |
meningoencephalocele | encephalomeningocele |
psychoneurological | neuropsychological |
chronophotographic | photochronographic |
physiopsychological | psychophysiological |
microphotographic | photomicrographic |
pneumohydropericardium | hydropneumopericardium |
polygamodioecious | dioeciopolygamous |
meningoencephalitis | encephalomeningitis |
encephalomyelitis | myeloencephalitis |
cephalomeningitis | meningocephalitis |
chromophotolithograph | photochromolithograph |
lithochromography | chromolithography |
photochromography | chromophotography |
photochronography | chronophotography |
misconstitutional | constitutionalism |
epididymovasostomy | vasoepididymostomy |
hydropneumothorax | pneumohydrothorax |
representationism | misrepresentation |
cerebromeningitis | meningocerebritis |
incontrovertibility | introconvertibility |
spectromicroscope | microspectroscope |
cholecystoduodenostomy | duodenocholecystostomy |
chorioidoretinitis | retinochorioiditis |
thermoelectrometer | electrothermometer |
myomohysterectomy | hysteromyomectomy |
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